- معلومات عن البرنامج
- المواد الدراسية
الشهادة الممنوحة
مخرجات البرنامج
أهداف البرنامج
سوق العمل
محتويات البرنامج
المدة الزمنية
8 فصول
الوحدات العامة
الوحدات الاختيارية
الوحدات الاجبارية
إجمالي عدد الوحدات
رمز المقرر | إسم المقرر | عدد الوحدات | نوع المقرر | الأسبقيات |
IS.011 | ثقافة إسلامية | 2 | عامة | - |
مادة عامة وهي مقرر واحد تتكون من وحدتين يجب على الطالب قرأتها لتثقيف الطالب في دينه الإسلامي ولتذكير البعض بالقواعد الصحيحة الدين الإسلامي. |
AR.012 | اللغة العربية | 2 | عامة | - |
مادة اللغة العربية هي اللغة الأم وهي لغة القرآن الكريم واللغة الأساسية في جميع البلدان العربية وتدرس كلغة ثانية في بعض البلدان الإسلامية ويجب على الطالب أن يلم بقواعد ومفردات هذه اللغة لأنها أساس العملية التعليمية في جميع الدول الناطقة بها. |
ENG.221 | Grammar I | 3 | إجباري | - |
COURSE DESCRIPTION The aim of this course English Grammar A is to acquaint students with English grammar. At this stage, students will learn the following: PRONOUNS (types and function) NOUNS (types, function and form of noun), ADJECTIVES (descriptive and proper adjectives), ADVERBS (types and position), PREPOSITIONS (place and time), ARTICLES (the basic usage), PRESENT TENSE (simple and progressive), PAST TENSE (simple and progressive), SIMPLE FUTURE and PASSIVE VOICE for the aforementioned tenses. A. PRONOUNS TYPES i. Personal pronouns ii. Indefinite pronouns iii. Demonstrative pronouns iv. Possessive pronouns v. Reflexive pronouns vi. Reciprocal pronouns UNCTIONS i. Subject / object of the verb ii. Subject complement iii. Object of preposition B. NOUNS TYPES i. Personal nouns ii. Concrete or abstract nouns iii. Collective nouns iv. Nouns compounds v. Mass / unit FUNCTIONS i. Subject / object of the verb ii. Object complement iii. Object of preposition FORM OF NOUNS i. Inflectional forms (gender / number) ii. Possessive inflectional form iii. Derivational form of nouns C. ARTICLES i. Indefinite articles a / an (with common countable nouns) ii. Definite article THE PRESENT TENSE (simple and progressive), PAST TENSE (simple and progressive), SIMPLE FUTURE, and PASSIVE VOICE (for the aforementioned tenses). |
ENG.112 | Writing I | 3 | إجباري | - |
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to enable students to: Differentiate kinds of sentences; Master certain writing technicalities; Write correct sentences; and, Write a short paragraph TOPICS 1 Sentence Fragments, Run-On Sentences, & Comma Splices 2 Kinds of Sentences According to Function 3 Kinds of Sentences According to Structure 4 Kinds of Clauses According to Function 5 Kinds of Clauses According to Structure 6 Signal Words 7 Pronoun Antecedent Agreement 8 MIDTERM EXAMINATION 9 Punctuations & Capitalization 10 Paragraph Format Rules 11 Choosing a Topic & Strategies in Generating Ideas 12 Developing Topic Sentences & Writing Supporting Sentences 13 Writing a 5-10 Sentence Paragraph (Using Past Time Order) 14 FINAL EXAMINATIO |
ENG.113 | Reading Comprehension I | 3 | إجباري | - |
TOPICS 1 Extensive and Intensive reading tasks - Developing a sense of urgency while reading 2 Exposure to different texts and styles of writing - Understanding different styles of Writing 3 Training on perception of the text - peripheral vision, span of recognition, after image - Interpreting more of what is seen in less time 4 Deeper understanding of the structure of the text - main idea, supporting ideas, arguments, appeals, conclusion 5 Intensive skimming and scanning practices - Training on how to get the gist quickly and comprehend information 6 Aggressive comprehension - aggressively pursuing the gist of the material, distinguishing subordinate details from main ideas 7 Understanding arguments- Following the line of development of thought 8 Identifying opinion/ attitude and making inferences 9 Inferring the meanings of key vocabulary using the context 10 Vocabulary training exercises 11 Training on reading with anticipation and prediction 12 Exposure to reading comprehension question types - Wh questions, specific purpose questions, general purpose questions, questions with multiple options 13 Training on how to whip through reading material with good comprehension - added training on aggressive and rapid comprehension 14 Revision |
ENG.114 | Conversation I | 3 | إجباري | - |
Course Content 1. Introduction – Planning & Preparation –Speech Structure – Language Tools – Visual Effects. 2. Presentation Strategies –Know your Audience –Mind your Language – Body Language – Tonality: Voice Modulation. 3. Practical Training Sessions: Informative Presentation – Persuasive Presentation – Demonstrative Presentation – Interview Skills –Three minute presentation –Seven minute presentation –Extempore – Interactive Presentation. 4. Technology Support – Powerpoint Presentations – OHP – Slide Projectors/ Flip Charts/ Other Audio Visual Aids. 5.Training Sessions- Group Activities-Lectures/Interaction – Presentations |