Enhanced E-learning through Neural Network Based Cloud Data Extraction
Journal ArticleAbstract: In light of the aspiration to achieve sustainability in the field of education, especially after the development of artificial intelligence technologies in general and artificial neural network technologies in particular, the process of improving e-learning has become one of the most important strategies for achieving sustainability. This study aims to evaluate the impact of using artificial intelligence techniques and artificial neural networks on improving cloud e-learning by extracting and mining data from the electronic cloud and analyzing it to provide a more efficient and effective educational experience. Through several methodologies, including descriptive methodology to describe the factors influencing the improvement of machine learning through the use of artificial intelligence techniques and the mechanism for using these techniques, quantitative methodology was used in collecting data and analytical scientific methodology to analyze the results of the proposed model, which is a hybrid of convolutional artificial neural networks (CNN) and recursive neural networks (RNN). Through the model, it is possible to extract and analyze user data such as interaction with content and duration of study to extract patterns and behaviors that support improving the learning experience, and personalizing individual learning paths. Predicting the academic performance of students using machine learning techniques. The results showed an improvement in the learning experience of 86% and an improvement in platform performance of 85%. Machine learning indicators, such as accuracy (94%), recall (93%) and f1 score (91%), also indicated the success of the model used in
Abubaker Mossbah Alfurgani Salem, Ibrahim Salih Aboalgassim Mansour, (03-2025), تركيا: مجلة الإفريقية للدراسات الإستراتيجية, 4 (1), 281-292
البنية الجبرية للمصفوفات الدائرية: دراسة مقارنة بين تأثير ضرب كرونكر وهادامار على الخصائص النويثرية والأرتينية
مقال في مجلة علمية
احلام محمد ابو القاسم الصويعي، (02-2025)، ليبيا: مجلة جامعة فزان التطبيقية، 4 (1)، 497-516
New Record of Leptadenia arborea (Forssk.) Schweinf. in the Flora of Libya
Journal ArticleA new record for Leptadenia arborea (Forssk.) Schweinf. is reported for the first time in the flora of Libya. This species was collected from Ariggiba region (110 km southwest Sabha city). A full description and habitat information on the plant are provided. A brief discussion about the most important traits of this species is presented.
Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, Khaleefah Salem Imohammed, (01-2025), Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection (TJPP): Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection (TJPP), 2 (19), 63-68
Business Plan for Building a Web Store based on e-commerce technology
Journal ArticleA business plan which is a formal writing and statement that describing new or existing business goals always helps organizations or investor to set the task that need to be performed in order to invest properly by potential investors to the entrepreneurs. It helps businesses who are seeking investment and convey their business visions to potential investors and customers. Further, it can be also used to attract employees and supplier in order to simply understand how the company in future can be managed efficiently. Simply a business plan covers all important set goals, mission, vision, and all the strategies that a company will use to meet them and if potential problem that may confront the business and the ways to handle them. The purpose of this research is to provide enough resources for business plan to develop a web store using e-commerce technology by using SellerDeck software solution and making a competing company where customer can easily purchase their favourite brand of mobile phones, tablet computers and its accessories. At the end of this research the results is that the ecommerce technology will increase all over the world because of making it easier for the enterprise business and customers for shopping information and view the contents of web store products and payment system.
YONOS ALMEHDI MASOUD QNEDI, (12-2024), الأصابعة: مجلة القلم المبين, 17 (1), 139-157
Capacity Management for virtual infrastructures to deliver reliable service
Journal ArticleToday’s organisations are under pressure to cut the ICT infrastructure energy costs and also use of ICT infrastructure resources in efficient manners. On other hand organisations ICT infrastructures are expanding rapidly and demands agility in ICT infrastructure solutions, business requirements and in technology change. Virtualization is the most effective way to reduce the energy cost while enhancing efficient utilization of resources and agility. To fulfill these demands organisations are migrating from physical infrastructures to the virtual infrastructures. Where organisations are migrating to virtual infrastructures to deliver the services to business there is also need to consider the right virtual infrastructure fundamentals for efficient service delivery. If the virtual infrastructure is unreliable or experience poor performance such issues are not only causing the problems for virtual infrastructure but also can damage the organisation reputation. This research is based upon Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), to find the key goals of capacity management and align the capacity management within virtual infrastructure to ensure virtual infrastructure is utilize in the most efficient, predictable and cost effective manner. This research will also investigate the how to apply capacity management best practices to improve performance, reduce operating cost, analyse current capacity, predict future capacity and make sure service level agreements are met
YONOS ALMEHDI MASOUD QNEDI, Hamida Ali Mohamad Salem, (12-2024), رقدالين: مجلة العلوم الشاملة, 33 (9), 742-760
Negative Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Haematological Parameters in Healthy Libyans
Journal Article:Abstract
Smoking causes about 6 million deaths annually, increases the risk for many diseases and alters hematological parameters. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the negative impact of cigarette smoking on the hematological parameters of healthy smokers in Libya. A total of 145 smokers and 145 non-smokers, with age range 39-45 years, were recruited. Blood samples were collected from each participant and were analysed for complete blood count. The obtained results were statically analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The mean for all study variables for smokers (except for MCHC) was greater than that for nonsmokers. The coefficient of variation (CV%) showed that the smokers group was more homogeneous for most variables than the non-smokers group, except for BMI and LYMP. The results of ANOVA test showed that only in the case of MCHC the non-smokers had a significantly higher mean (p < 0.05). For other variables, the smokers had significantly higher means (p < 0.05), except for the RBC, where the mean was non-significantly higher compared to the non-smokers. There was no statistically significant effect for the age variable or for the interaction between smoking and age on all variables. In conclusion, the study revealed that cigarette smoking has a significant impact on most haematological parameters; confirming that smoking has severe adverse effects on most haematological parameters
Hafsa A Alemam, Abdulnasir Albasheer Alsagagheer Omar, Abdulhamed Mohamad Omar Etriieki, Samia Emhemmed Abadi, Hayat M Binrhoumah, Shaima Kh Alansari, Ammar K. Aslougi, Farag I. Eltaib, (12-2024), United state of America: Bioscene, 21 (4), 604-616
Determine of some characteristict of samples water used in bakeries in abu Issa area
Journal Article0
Fathi ABUOJAYLAH KHALLEEFAH ABU AESHAH, (12-2024), المعهد العالي للعلوم والتقنية رقدالين ليبيا: مجلة العلوم الشاملة, 33 (32767), 240-248
تنمية المهارات الاجتماعية والبيئية لدى اطفال التوحد من خلال الإرشاد الأسرى
تقرير علمي
ابوعجيله محمد عمار امحارب، (12-2024)، جامعة غريان: مجلة القلم المبين،
areaAssessment of the quality of surface and ground water in shegagha
Journal Article0
Fathi ABUOJAYLAH KHALLEEFAH ABU AESHAH, Abdulfatah mousay Mohammed alsuwaye, (12-2024), تركيا: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 4 218-225
The first record of a medicinal plant species Boerhavia repens L. (Nyctaginaceae) from Libya
Journal ArticleAbstract
For the first time in Libyan flora, a new record for Boerhavia repens L is recorded. This widespread wild weed was collected from the Ariggiba region (110 km west-south Sabha city). A full description, habitat information, distribution map, and distribution data are provided to facilitate further identification and future detection. A brief discussion about the most important threats this species poses is presented.
Shhoob Mahammed imhmed Elahmir, Khaleefah Salem Imohammed, (11-2024), Scientific Reports in Life Sciences: Scientific Reports in Life Sciences, 4 (5), 59-66