Preparation sodium salts of phenylalanine, glycine and alanine complexes by using K2PtCl6, Cu(NO3)2.3H2O, HgCl2 and ZnCl2
Master Thesis

: Abstract

applications of complexes are very important in different sectors like the pharmaceutical industrial. So, this study aimed to preparation sodium salts of amino acids complexes by using K2PtCl6, Cu (NO3)2.3H2O, HgCl2 and ZnCl2 as a ligand reaction with the sodium salts of the following amino acids: glycine (glyH), L-alanine (alaH), L-phenylalanine (pheH). The following complexes were isolated: Na [Pt(gly)Cl4] .0.5C2H5OH, [Cu(ala)2].0.5C2H5OH, [Pt(ala)3Cl].C2H5OH.4H2O, [Pt(phe)2Cl2].0.5C2H5OH.1.5H2O, [Hg(phe)2].9H2O, [Zn(phe)2].C2H5OH. The isolated complexes have been characterized by their elemental analysis’s solubility, conductivity measurements, IR, electronic absorption and C13 NMR spectra.

Keywords: Metal complexes, Amino acids, Characterization.


تطبيقات المعقدات مهمة جد ا في مجاالت مختلفة مثل الصناعات الدوائية، عليه است هدفت هذه الدراسة تح ضير معقدات أمالح الصوديوم أمالح مع الليكاندات كتفاعالت K2PtCl6, Cu (NO3)2.3H2O, HgCl2 and ZnCl2 معقدات بواسطة الصوديوم لألحماض األميني ة التالية: الجاليسي ين (glyH(، L- أالنين (alaH(، L- فينيل أالنين )pheH). وت م الحصول على ست معقدات مختلفة: Na [Pt(gly)Cl4] .0.5C2H5OH, [Cu(ala)2].0.5C2H5OH, [Pt(ala)3Cl].C2H5OH.4H2O, [Pt(phe)2Cl2].0.5C2H5OH.1.5H2O, [Hg(phe)2].9H2O, [Zn(phe)2].C2H5OH تم تشخيص هذه المركبات عن طريق تحليل العناصر المكونة لها وايجاد نسبتها باإلضافة إلى استعمال الطرق الفيزيائ ية األتية: درجة االنصهار، الذائ ب ية، التوصيل الكهربائي لمحاليلها، واألطي اف تحت الحمراء والمرئية وفوق البنفسجية إلى الرنين المغناطيسي.

الكلمات المفتاحية: المعقدات، األحماض األمينية، التشخيص.

Afaf Mohamed Ali Almagtuf, (10-2024), African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS): African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS),

Synthesis and characterization of complexes with some amino acids
Master Thesis


This project includes and in deification the complexes of amino acid L-serine (serH) L-cysteine (cysH) , and L-threonin (thrH2) with some ions of trace elements such as K2ptCl6 ,

Cu(NO3)2.3H2O  , ZnCl2 and HgCl2 were studied by Infrared-spectra ‘NMR from this identification studies can give the structure formed for the complexes with were prepare with amino acids :

Na[pt(ser)Cl4] .0.5C2H5OH   ,[Hg(ser)2] .9H2O , [Cu(ser)2] , Na[pt(cys)2Cl3].0.5C2H5OH.3H2O and

Keywords: metal complexes – Amino acids – Characterization .

الملخص:                                                                                                                                                              تم في هذا البحث تحضير وتشخيص بعض المعقدات من تفاعل بعض من ايونات العناصر هي : Z(II) , Cu(II) , Pt(IV) , Hg(II)    مع الأحماض الأمينية مثل السستايين و السيرين و الثرونين و التي شخصت بعدة طرق منها طيف الأشعة تحت الحمراء والمرئية وفوق البنفسجية بالأضافة الى استعمال الطرق الفيزيائية الأتية : درجة الأنصهار والذائيبية والتوصيل الكهربائي لمحاليلها .

الكلمات المفتاحية : الأحماض الأمينية – المعقدات – التشخيص

Afaf Mohamed Ali Almagtuf, (10-2024), Afaq: مجلةآفاق المعرفة,

Prevalence and Deficiency of Vitamin D among Children in GharyanCity: A Descriptive Study
Journal Article

Vitamin D deficiency is a prevalent health issue among children, with potential consequences for bone health and overall well-being. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in a pediatric population and identify associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 400 children (aged 1-10 years) recruited from medical laboratories in Gharyan City, Libya, between January 2022 and June 2024. Participants were categorized based on their vitamin D levels (deficient, insufficient, adequate, or optimal). Demographic data (age, gender) and vitamin D levels were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics and two-way ANOVA. Approximately half of the study participants (49.75%) exhibited vitamin D deficiency. Females had a slightly higher prevalence of deficiency (27.5%) compared to males (22.25%). Significant differences in vitamin D levels were observed across age groups. Infants under 12 months had higher levels compared to older children (36-72 months). While gender was not a significant predictor of vitamin D deficiency in our study, previous research has suggested potential gender-related disparities. The findings of this study highlight the concerning prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among children in the region. Age appears to be a significant factor influencing vitamin D status, with younger children being more susceptible to deficiency. While gender may not be a major determinant in this population. The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in our study underscores the importance of promoting sun exposure, dietary intake of vitamin D-rich foods, and supplementation strategies to address this public health issue. Further research is needed to explore the underlying factors contributing to vitamin D deficiency in children

Amal Abdussalam Ali Hmaid, Amani Abdusalam Ali Ehmaid, Abdulmutalib Mohammed Abo aleid Alaribi, هناء ضو علي, اية نور الدين نصر, هديل جمعة دعاب, (10-2024), 000: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 3 (4), 160-167

Determination of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Agricultural Soils Adjacent to Wastewater Drainage Channels from Wastewater Treatment Plant in Gharyan City,Libya
Unpublished Work


Amani Abdusalam Ali Ehmaid, SANAA RAMADAN MASOUD ALJALI, Nawal Abdurazq Elhadi Ahmad, (10-2024), مصراته: مجلة الساتل,

الألعاب الإلكترونية وأثرها على الاطفال في المرحلة العمرية من 7 الى 14 سنة
عمل غير منشور

ابراهيم صالح ابوالقاسم منصور، (10-2024)، تركيا: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS)،

الكشف عن صبغة سودان رد B في بعض العصائر والمشروبات الغازية المتوفرة بالأسواق المحلية - ليبيا
مقال في مجلة علمية

في وقتنا الحالي يتزايد الطلب على الملونات التي قد تكون ضارة عندما تكون ملونات صناعية لتلوين مُختلف الأطعمة ومنها العصائر والمشروبات الغازية المختلفة، لدعم لون المنتجات والتأثير على حواس المستهلك والتي تلعب دوراً حاسماً في تسويق المنتج، من بين الأعداد الكبيرة من المواد المستخدمة في التلوين والأصباغ الاصطناعية المنتشرة في هذه الصناعة. صبغة السودان ردB صبغة حمراء اللون والتي استخدمت في الصناعة وخاصة إنتاج صبغات الشعر والمستحضرات التجميلية، ولا تزل بعض البلدان تستخدمها كمضافات غذائية رغم حظر استخدامها في صناعة المواد الغذائية بسبب تأثيرها المحتمل للسرطان. وتم تصنيفها ضمن الفئة الثالثة للمواد البشرية المسرطنة من قبل الوكالة الدولية لأبحاث السرطان. ومن المهم وصف آثارها الضارة على الصحة والمستهان بها في الوقت الحاضر. توجد طرق عديدة للكشف عن وجود صبغة السودان رد.B وفي هذه الدراسة تم استخدام جهاز التحليل الطيفي للكشف عن وجود صبغة السودان رد B عند طول موجي 525 نانومتر في عينات متنوعة من العصائر والمشروبات الغازية من بلدان مختلفة الصنع والمتوفرة في الأسواق المحلية الليبية.

الكلمات المفتاحية: صبغة سودان رد B، صبغة السودان في العصائر، الملونات الغذائية، التحليل الطيفي

أماني عبدالسلام علي احميد، امال عبدالسلام علي احميد، وفاء السني عمر بعيج، أميرة خالد الغضبان، أية نورالدين أبوزيد، (09-2024)، 000: مجلة شمال إفريقيا للنشر العلمي (NAJSP)، 3 (2)، 215-224

Detection of Eimeria Parasites in Sheeps and Goats in Alhamada Area, Libya
Journal Article

Since the Alhamada area is known for its rangelands and most of its inhabitants raise animals, especially sheep and goats, this study was conducted by collecting samples randomly from six herds of sheep distributed randomly from the specific areas of Qurayat and Ghadames This study was aimed to determine the prevalance of Eimeria, which causes coccidian in sheep's and study the effects of many factors such as age, sex, and the breeding system, it is the first study conducted in the Hamada area on this parasite, using microscopic examination, 54 samples of sheep and goat feces were examined, of different ages and of both sexes in the month of May 2022. The result showed that the infection rate was 28% in sheep and 43% in goats. It was noted that there were no significant differences for age in the infection rate, as the highest infection rate was in the age group (>2) years (39%), while the lowest infection rate was in the age group of (1-2) years (7%), it was also shown that there is no significant difference for gender on the infection rate, as the infection rate in males was (22%) and females (48%). The results showed a slight difference in the infection rate between the open and closed breeding systems in the Hamada region, with the closed system averaging 25% compared to 20% in the open system. Clinical signs also appeared on some of the infected animals, including diarrhea, general weakness, and some of them showed plucking of wool/hair.

Amal Abdussalam Ali Hmaid, (09-2024), AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences (AJMAS): AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences (AJMAS), 3 (7), 841-846

Renewable energy, financial globalization and load capacity factor in the US: Ecological neutrality in the context of natural resources
Journal Article

The United States (US) as the second leading economy in global ecological pollution has become a fertile ground for a rigorous analysis of the ecological neutrality using load capacity factor (LCF) and carbon-based consumption (CCO2). This is important for the global drive of achieving environmental sustainability by 2050. The LCF is one of the most comprehensive ecological proxies that incorporate the biocapacity and ecological footprint. In this context, this research examines the effect of natural resources, technological innovation, renewable energy and financial globalization on ecological neutrality in the US for the date spanning from 1990 to 2021. Using the novel augmented auto-regressive distributive lag (AARDL) model, the empirical findings of this study indicate that (i) natural resources, renewable energy, and technological innovation promote ecological neutrality by increasing LCF and decreasing CCO2 emissions; (ii) financial globalization and economic growth mitigate the LCF and increase CCO2 emissions; and (iii) a causal effect is observed among technological innovation, natural resources, renewable energy, CCO2 and LCF. In light of the findings, this study recommends several crucial measures for ecological neutrality targets set out in sustainable development goals (SDGs) 7 and 13, respectively.

Hamza Almassri, (08-2024), United States: Geological Journal, 0 1-16

A preliminary recording of insects on the island of Farwa Northwest of Libya
Journal Article

The study aimed to present the first record of insect families in Farwa Island. Farwa Island is the largest and most important island in Libya; located in Northern west part of Libya in the Mediterranean, its insect fauna is poorly studied. Short time intensive collection of insect samples was conducted in four areas (mouth of the valley, bay of containers, center of the Island, and Ras-Attalgha) in February, March and April 2021. Different methods were used for insect collection, sorting, preservation and later identification to the lowest taxonomic level and verification. 9 orders, 31 families, 40 genera and 58 insect species were collected in the study; the center of the Island had the highest numerical density and diversity of insect fauna due to its diverse vegetation compared to other areas. Diverse suitable habitats and absent insect control measures provided suitable environmental conditions for insects breeding, feeding and hiding from enemies. This study constitutes the first comprehensive survey of insect fauna on Farwa Island and adds significant value to the ongoing assessment of insect diversity in Libya. A long-term study has to be conducted to investigate detailed information about the abundance and diversity of insects and other arthropods on Farwa Island.

Abdulhamed Mohamad Omar Etriieki, (08-2024), جامعة عمر المختار (البيضاء): Al-Mukhtar Journal of Basic Sciences, 22 (2), 141-147

E-Learning Facilitator Team solution of Problems and Challenges in the distance education (University of Gharyan Case Study)
Journal Article

The new era of distance education opens up a new problem space for researchers to redefine educational needs. The COVID-19 lockdown with its tremendous consequences has affected the way of thinking and acting and has highlighted the merits of distance education. One of the most important of these problems is the inability of the lecturer technically to manage and present remote lectures, which resulted in the student's dissatisfaction with distance education. In this research, we have studied how to facilitate the work of the lecturer, who suffers from many problems, including the technical issues that need technical competencies in the field of information technology and modern technologies used in distance education, including the simulation system and displaying the system via the Internet, studying how to help the student also, in receiving distance education techniques and dealing with the programs used by the lecturer in skillfully presenting educational curricula. For that, the research focused on studying how to use a team to facilitate this work called the E-Learning Facilitator Team. This team plays a vital role in developing and maintaining an online program that is effective, and smooth, and that will support the realization of the planned learning outcomes. Faculty delivering courses online must be more than transmitters of knowledge; they must become facilitators of learning. Some highly seasoned instructors from the traditional on-ground environment will quickly adapt to the online model, while others may find the transition challenging at first [10].

Abdulhakim Mustafa Muktar TREKI, (08-2024), طرابلس - ليبيا: Academy journal for Basic and Applied Sciences, 2 (7), 1-6

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