Abdulhamed Mohamad Omar Etriieki

Permanent Lecturer

Qualification: Master

Academic rank: Assistant Lecturer

Specialization: فسيولوجي + بيئة - علم الحيوان

- Faculty of Science

The first record of the spider Segestria florentina (Rossi, 1790) (Araneae: Segestriidae) in Libya
Journal Article

The genus Segestria Latreille, 1804 and the species Segestria florentina (Rossi, 1790) are recorded in Libya for the first time, based on a single adult female specimen

Abdulhamed Mohamad Omar Etriieki, (05-2024), Cairo, Egypt: SERKET The Arachnological Bulletin of the Middle East and North Africa, 20 (2), 131-135

Morphological features and distribution of Loureedia jerbae (El-Hennawy, 2005)(Araneae: Eresidae) in Libya
Journal Article


Seven male specimens (one immature and six adults) of a rare species of Loureedia jerbae (El-Hennawy, 2005), are recorded for the first time in Libya, representing the first record of this species outside of Tunisia. Illustrations and a description are provided. Only the most recent adult of the specimens captured in October/November of 2019 to 2022 was examined, identified and described. Although Libya has one of the least recorded spider species in the Mediterranean region, it is promising to reveal more undiscovered and undocumented species through extensive research in this large country

Abdulhamed Mohamad Omar Etriieki, (05-2024), تركيا: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 3 (2), 96-101

Using macroinvertebrate-based biotic indices and diversity indices to assess water quality: A case study on the Karasu Stream (Kastamonu, Türkiye)
Journal Article


Using macroinvertebrate-based biotic indices and diversity indices to assess water quality: A case study on the Karasu Stream (Kastamonu, Türkiye)

İbrahim Küçükbasmacı, Abdulhamed M Omar Etriieki

Biomonitoring is an approach that uses indicators or sentinel species to assess the health or pollution of an environment, combining diversity based on specific taxonomic groups with the taxa’s indicator of pollution into a single index or score. Benthic macroinvertebrates are among the most preferred and valuable indicators of the biotic index. Our study aims to evaluate water quality and ecological status using biotic and diversity indices based on benthic macroinvertebrates. The macroinvertebrate samples used in this study were collected seasonally from 16 stations determined in Karasu Stream. These samples consist of 14747 specimens belonging to 9 orders and 40 families of Insecta, Malacostraca, Hirudinea and Oligochaeta. In addition, some physicochemical parameters were measured at the stations. The data obtained were analyzed using the Turkey-Biological Monitoring Working Group (TR-BMWP), Average Score per Taxon (ASPT), Family Biotic Index (FBI), Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) taxon richness index, and Shannon-Wiener (SWDI), Simpson (SDI) and Hill’s diversity indices. Our results showed that the last six stations of Karasu Stream were under pressure due to various anthropogenic effects. According to biotic indexes, the ecological quality status of the water in the stations was determined to be High or Good in the first ten stations and Average, Poor, or Bad in the last six stations. The results of our study showed that TR-BMWP, FBI, and EPT indices are more reliable in determining water quality than the ASPT index and reflect the environmental situation better. Since the TR-BMWP index is adapted to macroinvertebrate taxa distributed in Türkiye, it can be used as a suitable tool for evaluating other rivers’ water quality in Türkiye.

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Using macroinvertebrate‐based biotic indices and diversity indices to assess water quality: A case study on the Karasu Stream (Kastamonu, Türkiye)

Abdulhamed M Omar Etriieki, İbrahim Küçükbasmacı

Ecohydrology, e2627, 2024

Biomonitoring is an approach that uses indicators or sentinel species to assess the health or pollution of an environment, combining diversity based on specific taxonomic groups with the taxa's indicator of pollution into a single index or score. Benthic macroinvertebrates are among the most preferred and valuable indicators of the biotic index. Our study aims to evaluate water quality and ecological status using biotic and diversity indices based on benthic macroinvertebrates. The macroinvertebrate samples used in this study were collected seasonally from 16 stations determined in Karasu Stream. These samples consist of 14,747 specimens belonging to 9 orders and 40 families of Insecta, Malacostraca, Hirudinea and Oligochaeta. In addition, some physicochemical parameters were measured at the stations. The data obtained were analysed using the Turkey‐Biological Monitoring Working Group (TR‐BMWP), Average Score per Taxon (ASPT), Family Biotic Index (FBI), Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) taxon richness index, and Shannon–Wiener, Simpson and Hill's diversity indices. Our results showed that the last six stations of Karasu Stream were under pressure due to various anthropogenic effects. According to biotic indexes, the ecological quality status of the water in the stations was determined to be high or good in the first 10 stations and average, poor or bad in the last 6 stations. The results of our study showed that TR‐BMWP, FBI and EPT indices are more reliable in determining water quality than the ASPT index and reflect the environmental situation better. Since the TR‐BMWP index is adapted to macroinvertebrate taxa distributed in Türkiye, it can be used as a suitable tool for evaluating other rivers' water quality in Türkiye.

Abdulhamed Mohamad Omar Etriieki, İbrahim Küçükbasmacı, (01-2024), Wiley Online Library: Ecohydrology, 2 (17), 2627-2627

Seasonal Variation of Zooplankton Abundance and Their Relation to Physical Factors of Ain-Zayanah Lagoon, Benghazi
Journal Article


Background and aims

The physical parameters and the occurrence and abundance of zooplankton in Ain-Zayanah lagoon, Benghazi, Libya, were studied from August, 2005–July, 2006, as a part of detailed investigation on the feasibility of converting the lagoon into an aquaculture farm for captive breeding and culturing of different economically important edible fish, fish fry, molluscan and crustacean animals, and for culturing the zooplankton which form the food of these organisms.


Five different sites located near to the shore were selected in the lagoon for water and zooplankton monthly sampling and analyses. The physical parameters of the water included air and water temperatures, transparency, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, pH, dissolved oxygen and total hardness; they were analysed using standard methods. Various differences were revealed in the relationships of these parameters in and between sites, months and seasons.


Seven major groups of zooplankton inhabited Ain-Zayanah lagoon; rotifers formed the dominant one (40.50%), followed by rhabtida (21.61%), crustacean larva (14.55%), foraminifera (13.23%), ostracoda (5.97%), copepoda (4.13%) and cladocera (0.01%). Air and water temperatures, pH, DO, electrical conductivity, TDS and hardness had different relationships with the seven zooplankton groups in Ain-Zayanah lagoon.


The results obtained were discussed extensively in the light of available literature in the fields, and suitable conclusions, suggestions and precautions to be taken were given in connection with the establishment of Aquaculture farm in Ain-Zayanah lagoon

Souad Alsharef, Abdulhamed Mohamad Omar Etriieki, (12-2023), جامعة طرابلس الأهلية: AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences, 2 (6), 850-866

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