Launch of the Initiative "Aounan" to Alleviate Their Suffering and Strengthen Their Resilience

30 Nov, 2024


Allah the Almighty said: "And if they seek help of you in the matter of religion, then you must help them" [Al-Anfal: 72]

In response to the religious and moral duty, and in light of the suffering of our people in Gaza Strip due to the siege and the lack of basic necessities, the students of the Faculty of Medicine at Gharyan University launched the initiative #Aounan to alleviate their suffering and strengthen their resilience.

Goals of the initiative:

The #Aounan initiativ aims to collect donations to implement urgent humanitarian projects, most notably:

- Providing clean water to those in need.

- Sponsoring orphans to ensure a decent life for orphaned children.

- Supporting needy families to meet their basic needs.

Ways to contribute:

You can offer your support through donation boxes available in the following faculties in Gharyan city:

- Faculty of Medicine

- Faculty of Accounting

- Faculty of Dentistry

- Faculty of Science

- Faculty of Education

- Faculty of Law

Or through the boxes placed in public areas bearing the initiative's logo "Aounan".

We ask Allah to reward everyone who contributes to supporting our brothers, and make this in their balance of good deeds. May Allah bless you.

Convoys for Palestine: Our Cause



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