Closing Ceremony of Sports Activities at the College of Engineering

22 Nov, 2024

With the attendance of the Dean of the College of Engineering, the Director of the Activity Office at the college, the Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department, and the Director of the International Cooperation Office at the university.

Today, Thursday, November 21, 2024, a ceremony was held at the College of Engineering Theater to honor the winners and participants in the events of the Sports Week activities organized by the Student Union of the College of Engineering.

The closing events began with a speech by the Dean of the College, who praised the efforts of the union and the activity department at the college in organizing sports activities and called for the continuation of cultural activities as well.

Then, trophies and medals were awarded to the first and second place winners in the college basketball league, table tennis, and chess tournaments.

Participation certificates were also distributed to all participants in the championships.

A big thank you to the university's activity management, the College of Physical Education, and all mentioned for their continuous support and encouragement of student activities, which played the biggest role in the success of this event.

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