Visit of Faculty of Arts, Gharyan Students to the Fakher Foundation for Support and Rehabilitation

27 Nov, 2024

In the context of the Faculty of Arts, Gharyan's interest in and enhancement of its role in serving the university and the community, fostering a sense of responsibility among students, contributing to community building, and addressing the problems of its members, and to complete the teaching of the fieldwork aspect of the "Civil Society Organizations" course:

The faculty organized a visit for fourth-year students of the Social Work Department to the "Fakher Foundation for Family Support and Rehabilitation," accompanied by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shamis, on Wednesday, 27/11/2024.

They were received by Mr. Salem Nasr, the head of the foundation, Dr. Abdel Hakim Enfis, and several supervisors of the foundation. The visitors listened to an explanation of the foundation's objectives and its most notable social and cultural activities and programs, and how services are provided to families, followed by answers to all inquiries. The students also observed aspects of social solidarity. At the end of the visit, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shamis, on behalf of the faculty, extended sincere thanks and appreciation to all the foundation members for their warm reception and the opportunity to meet.

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