An Epidemiological Study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi, Libya
Journal ArticleCutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is an endemic parasitic infection in the Mediterranean region, including Libya and
its Al-jabal Al-gharbi province. We aimed at studying the occupational relevance as well as other epidemiological aspects
of CL. We investigated 140 CL cases who attended at Gharyan outpatient polyclinic during a period of 6 months in 2009.
CL infection was clinically diagnosed and confirmed by demonstration of Leishmania parasites on smears from lesions.
Our findings showed that males were more affected than females (P=0.04), and people above 10-years were more affected than younger ones (P=0.0001). A significant percent of CL cases belonged to Al-Kawasem subprovince
(P=0.0001). Farm-related activities were the most frequent occupations among CL cases (P=0.04). In addition to farm
workers, housewives and students are at risk groups since they are engaged at farm activities. Moreover, those who have
occupations that require staying outdoors for a part of night, e.g., policemen, are also at risk. Compared to children, adult
CL patients had multiple lesions (P=0.001) that were more prevalent in their upper and lower extremities than the face
(P=0.0001). We conclude that CL is a major health problem in Al-jabal Al-gharbi province of Libya. The presence of rodents and sandflies makes it a suitable environment for Leishmania to spread in an endemic epidemiological pattern. Being engaged in farming activities or outdoor occupations increases the risk of infection. Various clinical patterns of CL
suggest the presence of more than 1 species of Leishmania at Al-jabal Al-gharbi province. We propose that the 2 species
responsible for CL in this area are L. major and L. tropica. Further investigations to identify the leishmanial species responsible for CL at Al-jabal Al-gharbi together with adoption of preventive and control programs are needed.
Khamees Almabrouk Mohammed Almuseeri, (02-2013), كوريا: المجلة الكورية للطفيليات, 51 (1), 75-84
Pyrimidine salvage in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms and the trypanocidal action of halogenated pyrimidines
Journal ArticleAfrican trypanosomes are capable of both pyrimidine biosynthesis and salvage of preformed pyrimidines from the host. However, uptake of pyrimidines in bloodstream form trypanosomes has not been investigated, making it difficult to judge the relative importance of salvage and synthesis or to design a pyrimidine-based chemotherapy. Detailed characterization of pyrimidine transport activities in bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei brucei found that these cells express a high-affinity uracil transporter (designated TbU3) that is clearly distinct from the procyclic pyrimidine transporters. This transporter had low affinity for uridine and 2′deoxyuridine and was the sole pyrimidine transporter expressed in these cells. In addition, thymidine was taken up inefficiently through a P1-type nucleoside transporter. Of importance, the anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil was an excellent substrate for TbU3, and several 5-fluoropyrimidine analogs were investigated for uptake and trypanocidal activity; 5F-orotic acid, 5F-2′deoxyuridine displayed activity in the low micromolar range. The metabolism and mode of action of these analogs was determined using metabolomic assessments of T. brucei clonal lines adapted to high levels of these pyrimidine analogs, and of the sensitive parental strains. The analysis showed that 5-fluorouracil is incorporated into a large number of metabolites but likely exerts toxicity through incorporation into RNA. 5F-2′dUrd and 5F-2′dCtd are not incorporated into nucleic acids but act as prodrugs by inhibiting thymidylate synthase as 5F-dUMP. We present the most complete model of pyrimidine salvage in T. brucei to date, supported by genome-wide profiling of the predicted pyrimidine biosynthesis and conversion enzymes.
Juma Ahmed Mohamed Ali, (02-2013), United States of America: Molecular pharmacology, 2 (28), 439-453
Computer Simulation Of Fiber Optical Based LAN for the University of technology
Master ThesisIbrahim Salih Aboalgassim Mansour, (09-2012), دولة اوكرانيا مدينة لوغانسيك: جامعة شرق اوكرانيا,
الحياة الأسرية بمدينة غريان من واقع سجلات محكمة غريان الشرعية (1925- 1943)
مقال في مجلة علميةتعكس الحياة الاجتماعية الصورة الحقيقية التي تعيشها منطقة ما، ذلك لأنها عبارة عن محصلة تضافر عوامل اقتصادية ، وسياسية وجغرافية وغيرها.
وبلا شك فإن دراسة الأوضاع الاجتماعية ضمن منظور تاريخي هي مهمة شاقة وتنطوي علي معوقات لا حصر لها لندرة المعلومات وقلتها، لكنها في الوقت ذاته مفيدة جدا لكونها تقدم لنا فهما أفضل لتاريخ اية أمة أو شعب، ومن هذا المنطلق الاتي محاولة دراسة الحياة الأسرية في العهد الإيطالي باعتبارها نواة الحياة الاجتماعية، لغرض كشف النقاب عن نمط حياتها اليومية والمشاكل الاي واجهتها، وتأثير العوامل المختلفة عليها، وتستعرض الباحثة أهم ما تحويه السجلات موضوع دراستنا من معلومات تخص الحياة الأسرية، مقسمين ذلك الي اربعة أجزاء، أولها الزواج وتجهيزاته، وثانيها الطلاق وآثاره، وثالثها بعض الظواهر الاجتماعية الاخرى وتأثيرها علي الحياة الأسرية ورابعها بعض العادات والتقاليد المتبعة في الأفراح والمآتم.
أسماء مصطفي محمد دبوس، (08-2012)، مصر: مجلة فكر وابداع (رابطة الأدب الحديث)، 70 (70)، 419-479
Educational Website for Teaching Children
Master ThesisThe aim was to build an educational website to teach preschoolers aged 2-5 years old some skills; related to reading, writing and pronouncing alphabet, numbers, animal names, shapes and other common words. Also, assist parents and teachers by providing digital game-based learning environment to “edutainment” the children. The study illustrated the usability and usefulness of this educational game-based website and provided future insights for researchers and developers to take into account in future work.
Entisar Nassr Abdulati Abolkasim, (07-2012), The University of Bradford: The University of Bradford,
أهمية أشجار الزيتون وبعض النباتات البرية في إقتصاد غريان من واقع سجلات المحكمة الشرعية (1925-1934)
مقال في مجلة علميةتتضمن سجلات محكمة غريان الشرعية قيد الدراسة ،العديد من القضايا التي طرحت أمام القاضي حول الزراعة، توضح أن زراعة أشجار الزيتون تمثل العمود الفقري لحياة السكان في المدينة المذكورة أعلاه
أسماء مصطفي محمد دبوس، (07-2012)، جامعة عين شمس . القاهرة: مجلة فكر وإبداع، 69 (69)، 581-605
Data Hiding Based On Quantized AC-Coefficients of the I-Frame for MPEG-2 Compressed Domain
Journal Articleone of the challenges recently occurred in the concept of hiding data is the
robustness of hiding data in the way that is difficult to access or detect. Most of the steganography
schemes are based commonly on embed data within images or video frames on their original form
(uncompressed domain).
This paper presents a new methodology for data hiding in MPEG-2 video standard. Data will be
embedding during the compression stage of the AVI-MPEG2 encoding. The BPCS algorithm has
been modified and used in all our experiments for embed data, and the DES (Data Encryption
Standard) algorithm has been used to encrypt data before hiding. It only embeds encrypted data
bits in the quantized AC coefficients (low-frequency AC coefficients) of Y components (Luminance)
for the I-Frame. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed method has the considerable
advantage over previous steganography schemes with a good PSNR values for the embedded
Tarik Idbeaa, (06-2012), New York, U.S.A.: Praise Worthy Prize, 7 (4), 1458-1462
Video Encryption Based on Chaotic Systems in the Compression Domain
Journal ArticleWith the development of the internet and multimedia technology digital video encryption has attracted a great deal of
research interest in the recent few years in applications. In this paper, we propose a method to encrypt video data. The proposed
algorithm is based on the MPEG video coding standard. It selectively encrypts some DCT coefficients in the I frame, B frame and P
frame in MPEG video compression by using chaotic systems. The key in this paper is chaotic sequence based on logistic mapping. It
can produce the pseudo-random sequences with good randomness. The experimental results based on chaotic maps prove the
effectiveness of the proposed method, showing advantages of large key space and high-level security. The proposed algorithm was
measured through a series of tests and achieved good results. The results indicate that the algorithm can be implemented for video
encryption efficiently and it provides considerable levels of security
Tarik Idbeaa, (02-2012), اندونيسيا: International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2 (1), 85-89
Reflection method of estimation for measurement error models
Journal ArticleThis paper proposes an estimation method based on the reflection of the (manifest) explanatory variable to estimate the parameters of a simple linear regression model when both response and explanatory variables are subject to measurement error (ME). The reflection method (RM) uses all observed data points, and does not exclude or ignore part of the data or replace them by their ranks. The RM is straightforward, and easy to implement. We show that the RM is equivalent or asymptotically equivalent to the orthogonal regression (OR) method. Simulation studies show that the RM produces estimators that are nearly asymptotically unbiased and efficient under the assumption that the ratio of the error variances equals one. Moreover, it allows to define the sum of squares of errors uniquely, the same way as in the case of no measurement error. Simulation based numerical comparisons of the RM with the ordinary least square (OLS) and OR methods are also included.
Anwar A Mohamad Saqr, (01-2012), Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics: Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences, 7 (2), 71-88
Harvesting a logistic population in a slowly varying environment
Journal ArticleThe classic problem for a logistically evolving single species population being harvested involves three parameters: rate constant, carrying capacity and harvesting rate, which are taken to be positive constants. However, in real world situations, these parameters may vary with time. This paper considers the situation where these vary on a time scale much longer than that intrinsic to the population evolution itself. Application of a multiple time scale approach gives approximate explicit closed form expressions for the changing population, that compare favorably with those generated from numerical solutions.
Majda A. Idlango, John J. Shepherd, John A. Gear, (01-2012), Applied Mathematics Letters: ELSEVIER, 25 (2012), 81-87