Exploring the Feasibility of Implementing Online Learning at the Faculty of Science: A Case Study
Conference paperBackground and aims
In recent years, the education sector in Libya have been affected by wars and political fluctuations, impacting the quality and availability of education. There have been challenges in providing the necessary educational resources, as well as in training and qualifying teachers. E-learning, it can be an effective tool in improving education under difficult circumstances. Online education can provide opportunities for students to access educational resources easily, and can contribute to enhancing communication between teachers and students. E-learning can also play a role in developing students’ technology skills, which is important in our modern era. In 2019, the Faculty of Science at the University of Gharyan partially implemented online learning as a response to COVID-19 pandemic, and this program continued for two academic terms. Therefore, the paper aims to highlights both the advantages and limitations of E-learning within the environment of university education in Libya
Amina Shtewi, (12-2023), طرابلس: AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences, 829-835
Seasonal Variation of Zooplankton Abundance and Their Relation to Physical Factors of Ain-Zayanah Lagoon, Benghazi
Journal ArticleDescription
Background and aims
The physical parameters and the occurrence and abundance of zooplankton in Ain-Zayanah lagoon, Benghazi, Libya, were studied from August, 2005–July, 2006, as a part of detailed investigation on the feasibility of converting the lagoon into an aquaculture farm for captive breeding and culturing of different economically important edible fish, fish fry, molluscan and crustacean animals, and for culturing the zooplankton which form the food of these organisms.
Five different sites located near to the shore were selected in the lagoon for water and zooplankton monthly sampling and analyses. The physical parameters of the water included air and water temperatures, transparency, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, pH, dissolved oxygen and total hardness; they were analysed using standard methods. Various differences were revealed in the relationships of these parameters in and between sites, months and seasons.
Seven major groups of zooplankton inhabited Ain-Zayanah lagoon; rotifers formed the dominant one (40.50%), followed by rhabtida (21.61%), crustacean larva (14.55%), foraminifera (13.23%), ostracoda (5.97%), copepoda (4.13%) and cladocera (0.01%). Air and water temperatures, pH, DO, electrical conductivity, TDS and hardness had different relationships with the seven zooplankton groups in Ain-Zayanah lagoon.
The results obtained were discussed extensively in the light of available literature in the fields, and suitable conclusions, suggestions and precautions to be taken were given in connection with the establishment of Aquaculture farm in Ain-Zayanah lagoon
Souad Alsharef, Abdulhamed Mohamad Omar Etriieki, (12-2023), جامعة طرابلس الأهلية: AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences, 2 (6), 850-866
Lost in Translation: Examining Translation Errors in Arabic-English Translated Abstracts Published in Gharyan University Journal
Journal ArticleAbstracts of research articles should be translated from Arabic into English before being submitted for publication in Libyan academic journals. Because English publishing allows non-native speakers to gain international recognition (Duszak & Lewkowicz, 2008). This study aimed to identify the most typical errors made while translating the Arabic abstracts into English. For this purpose, a corpus of 33 translated abstracts of research articles (RA) were analyzed. They were extracted from 11 issues of the Journal of Gharyan University and were published from 2016 to 2021. The analytical frameworks developed by Popescu (2013) and Laio (2010) were adopted. A preliminary analysis was carried out to develop a new category of translation errors that is appropriate for the current corpus. The results revealed a large number of errors in the translated abstracts. They were translation, stylistic, and linguistic errors. It is suggested that the Journal of Gharyan University should devote more effort to evaluating and polishing the translated abstracts before publishing the articles. If they wish to obtain a worldwide reputation, they should also include translators on the journal's editorial board to translate the Arabic abstracts into English appropriately.
Eatidal Khalefa Abdullah Hasan, (12-2023), جامعة سرت: مجلة جامعة سرت للعلوم الإنسانية, 13 (2023), 159-169
تحليل المحددات الرئيسية للتضخم في الاقتصاد الليبي باستخدام نهج الانحدار الذاتي لفترات الابطاء الموزعة المعزز
مقال في مجلة علميةتتناول هذه الدراسة المحددات الرئيسية المؤثرة على التضخم في الاقتصاد الليبي باستخدام البيانات السنوية للفترة 1980-2021، وقد تم استخدام نموذج الانحدار الذاتي لفترات الابطاء الموزعة المعزز (Augmented- ARDL) لإيجاد علاقة تكامل مشترك بين المتغيرات وتحديد العلاقة بينهم في المدى القصير والطويل. تشير النتائج التي تم الوصول اليها الى ان متغيرات الدراسة المتمثلة في عرض النقود والنمو الاقتصادي والانفاق الحكومي ومعدل التضخم العالمي ترتبط بعلاقة تكامل مشترك مع معدل التضخم في الاقتصاد الليبي. اشارات نتائج المدى الطويل الى ان عرض النقود ومعدل التضخم العالمي لهما تأثير ايجابي طويل المدى على التضخم في حين تؤثر بقية المتغيرات عليه بشكل سلبيي. في حين توضح نتائج المدى القصير ان المتغير الوحيد المؤثر ايجابا على معدل التضخم هو معدل التضخم العالمي، بينما يستمر تأثير النمو الاقتصادي السلبي في المدى القصير كما هو الحال في المدى الطويل. بالتالي يمكن القول بناء على هذه النتائج ان المصدر الاساسي للتضخم في الاقتصاد الليبي هو التضخم المستورد، حيث ان زيادة التضخم العالمي بنسبة 1% تعمل على زيادة نسبة التضخم المحلي بنسبة 1.84% في المدى الطويل و1.93% في المدى القصير. وفي ضوء هذه النتائج، توصي هذه الدراسة بعدة تدابير للحد من اثار التضخم المستورد.
حمزة الهاشمي ابراهيم المصري، (12-2023)، غريان- ليبيا: مجلة دراسات في المال والأعمال، 16 (3)، 122-137
A Robust Blind Grayscale Image Watermarking Technique Based on Schur Decomposition and Entropy Analysis
Journal ArticleA new robust blind image watermarking method based on lifting wavelet transform (LWT), and Schur decomposition in combination with discrete cosine transform (DCT), and entropy analysis for copyright protection of multimedia information is introduced in this paper. At first, the 2-level LWT is applied to the original image to improve the invisibility of the watermarking method and then the high-frequency sub-band of 2-level LWT is decomposed by DCT. Then, the DCT coefficients are divided into 4×4 non-overlapping blocks. After that, Schur decomposition applies to each selected block, while the first row, the first column element of the upper triangular matrix is used to embed the watermark. For evaluation, the invisibility and robustness of the proposed watermarking method, the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), and normalized cross-correlation (NC) are used to measure the quality and the ability of the proposed watermarking method to be robust against signal processing operations and geometric attacks. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed method is achieved a very good tradeoff between invisibility and robustness. The comparisons with other scheme have shown that the proposed digital watermarking scheme has a superior performance in terms of invisibility than other.
Omar Moftah Ibrahim Abodena, (11-2023), University Journal: University of Gharyan, 28 (2), 485-508
The impact of storytelling and theatre in building a remarkable personality and moral values in children.
Conference paperAbstract
The research was conducted to discuss the impact of storytelling and theater in building a remarkable personality and moral values in children. Furthermore, it has been mentioned the importance of preschool period and educated family to help of building the child’s personality and cultivating moral values. In addition, this research has been mentioned that in Libya there is not separation between moral education, strong personality and religion, which has been gotten all his values from second language and it has been explained and clarified the character development.
Moreover, it has been discussed two main headlines, ‘the storytelling and the child’s early age’ and ‘the role of storytelling and theater to create a creative and strong personality.
Besides, some tricks and plays techniques have been mentioned to enhance the creativity and remarkable personality among children, (pretend play / language play /musical play and play drawing and writing).
Finally, some advices and recommendations have been given to the parents and teachers in order to guide them to the appropriate ways to establish the child’s personality and moral values.
Asma El Hashimi Ebrahim El Massry, (10-2023), غريان: جامعة غريان, 1-17
Floristic Study of Al-Orban area in Gharyan District-Libya
Journal ArticleThe goal of this study was to investigate the vegetation composition and structure of the Al-Orban area in Gharyan district, Libya over two continues growing seasons from the first of January 2020 to the first of Jaunary 2022. During this period, a total of 309 plant species were identified and collected in the field. These species belonged to 43 families, with 39 families of dicotyledons and 4 families of monocotyledons. The most dominant family was Asteraceae with 60 species, followed by Fabaceae with 32 species, Poaceae with 33 species, and Brassicaceae with 35 species. The most dominant genera were Plantago and Euphorbia, each represented by 6 species, followed by Erodium and Chenopodiun with 5 species each, and Astragalus, Centaurea, Rumex, Concolvulus, and Stipa each represented by 4 species. Life-form spectrum analysis indicated that Therophytes were the most predominant with 189 species, followed by Hemicryptophytes with 47 species, and geophytes with 40 species. Furthermore, chorotype spectrum analysis showed the dominance of Mediterranean species with 128 species, followed by Mediterranean/Iranian-Turanian with 66 species. These findings provide valuable insight into the plant diversity and distribution in the Al-Orban area of Gharyan district, Libya.
Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, Mohammed H. Mahklouf, (10-2023), ليبيا: Scientific Journal for the Faculty of Science-Sirte University, 2 (3), 29-43
Effect of pH in The Biosynthesis of Gold Nanoparticles: A Review
Journal ArticleAbstract: This review aimed to investigate the effect of pH on morphology, and size of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) biosynthesized using extracts of various plant parts and agricultural waste. By reviewing previous studies, it was found that the formation of AuNPs was more rapid in neutral and basic mediums than in acidic mediums. Furthermore, most of those studies indicated that the smallest sizes of biosynthesized AuNPs, produced by plant extracts, were in neutral and alkaline mediums. Regarding the morphology, it was found that multiple shapes of the AuNPs were obtained in an acidic medium of the reaction, while there was typically a dominant shape of the AuNPs in the basic medium. In conclusion, significant quantities of AuNPs with appropriate sizes and morphology could be obtained by controlling the medium of the reaction when AuNPs are biosynthesized using extracts of plant parts and agricultural waste.
Nawal Abdurazq Elhadi Ahmad, Kawther Elbahlool Salem Adaila, Abdounasser Albasher Omar, (10-2023), online: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), -1 (-2), -1--1
Antimicrobial Activities of Methanol Extract of Peganum harmala Leaves and Seeds against Urinary Tract Infection Bacteria
Journal ArticleThe problem of microbial resistance continues to increase in all regions of the world, and even though a very large number of antibiotics have been produced in the last 30 years, microbial resistance is maintained because of the wide use of these drugs against many infectious diseases. Thus, natural products are seen as the alternative solution. Based on previous studies, Peganum harmala has been reported to exhibit several biological properties including antibacterial and antifungal. Thus, the main aim of this study is evaluating antibacterial activities of P. harmala against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus, which isolated from infected patients in (Alassaba'a hospital, Alassaba'a, west of Tripoli). Agar disk diffusion technique was used for detecting the antibacterial activity, and the minimum inhibitory concentration was tested by serial dilution methods. The results showed that the growth of all tested bacteria were inhibited strongly by methanol extract of seeds at 1.0% with inhibition zones 14.66, 12.00 and 15.33mm against E. coli, k. pneumoniae and S. aureus respectively. Besides, MIC values ranged between 0.625 to 1.25 mg/mL. While, MBC values ranging between 1.25 to 5 mg/mL. On the other hand, methanol extract of leaves was also inhibit the growth of E. coli, k. pneumoniae and S. aureus with inhibition zones 11.00, 9.66 and 10.00mm respectively. As well as, MIC values ranging between 1.25 to 2.5 mg/mL, while MBCs value ranging between 2.5 to 5 mg/mL . In conclusion, methanol extract of P. harmala seeds exhibited strongly antimicrobial activity against E. coli, k. pneumoniae and S. aureus, thus it can be developed as anti-bacterial agent.
Khaled Abdusalam Bashir Alatrash, (07-2023), ليبيا: مجلة التربوي جامعة الموقب, 23 (1), 731-739
تحليل الأيام الممطرة وأثرها في توزيع المجموع التراكمي للأمطار في مددينة غريان 1984-2020
مقال في مجلة علميةيعــــــالج هذا البحث موضوع تحليل الأيام الممطرة، من حيث توزيعها الشـــهري والفصلي والسنوي وأثـــر ذلك على توزيع المجموع التراكمي للأمطار لنفس التوزيع الزمني في مدينة غريان من خـــلال فحص البيانات اليومية عبر السلسلة الزمنية للفترة من 1984-2020م، ويهدف البحث إلى التعرف على التوزيع الزمني للأيام الممطرة وعلاقة هذا التوزيع بالمجموع التراكمي للأمطار ســــواء على المستوى الشهري أو الفصلي أو خلال الموسم الواحد في شكل فئات مطرية، لتحديد سلوك التساقط خلال فترة الدارسة. وتوصــــل البحث إلــــى مجموعة من النتائج لعل أهمها التغير والتذبذب الواضـــح في خصائص الأيام الممطرة خلال السلسلة الزمنية. وأن معظم الأيام الممطرة كانت ضمن الفئة الأقل من 5 ملم، بحيث تجاوزت نسبتها من المجموع الكلي 85% على المستوى الشهري والفصلي ونسبة 82% على المستوى السنوي. كما أثبتت الدراسة أن القيم العالية للمجموع التراكمي للأمطار كانت ضمن الأيام المتطرفة خلال الفئات الأكثر من 10 ملم، لارتباطها بالعواصف المطرية الغزيرة في أيام محدودة خــــلال موسم المطر.
الضاوي علي أحمد المنتصر، (07-2023)، الاندلس: مجلة الأصالة مجلة محكمة علمية، 7 (2)، 611-637