Comparative Analysis for Radio Channel Propagation Models in the City of Tripoli/ Libya for 4G/LTE Networks
Journal Article


Asma Mohamad Ali Abdurahman, Monera Elhashmi M. Salah, Khalid Aljledi, Maram Salah, (12-2023), International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research (IJECER): Electrical and Computer Engineering Research (ECER), 4 (3), 1-7

A Robust Blind Grayscale Image Watermarking Technique Based on Schur Decomposition and Entropy Analysis
Journal Article

A new robust blind image watermarking method based on lifting wavelet transform (LWT), and Schur decomposition in combination with discrete cosine transform (DCT), and entropy analysis for copyright protection of multimedia information is introduced in this paper. At first, the 2-level LWT is applied to the original image to improve the invisibility of the watermarking method and then the high-frequency sub-band of 2-level LWT is decomposed by DCT. Then, the DCT coefficients are divided into 4×4 non-overlapping blocks. After that, Schur decomposition applies to each selected block, while the first row, the first column element of the upper triangular matrix is used to embed the watermark. For evaluation, the invisibility and robustness of the proposed watermarking method, the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), and normalized cross-correlation (NC) are used to measure the quality and the ability of the proposed watermarking method to be robust against signal processing operations and geometric attacks. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed method is achieved a very good tradeoff between invisibility and robustness. The comparisons with other scheme have shown that the proposed digital watermarking scheme has a superior performance in terms of invisibility than other. 

Omar Moftah Ibrahim Abodena, (11-2023), University Journal: University of Gharyan, 28 (2), 485-508

Floristic Study of Al-Orban area in Gharyan District-Libya
Journal Article

The goal of this study was to investigate the vegetation composition and structure of the Al-Orban area in Gharyan district, Libya over two continues growing seasons from the first of January 2020 to the first of Jaunary 2022. During this period, a total of 309 plant species were identified and collected in the field. These species belonged to 43 families, with 39 families of dicotyledons and 4 families of monocotyledons. The most dominant family was Asteraceae with 60 species, followed by Fabaceae with 32 species, Poaceae with 33 species, and Brassicaceae with 35 species. The most dominant genera were Plantago and Euphorbia, each represented by 6 species, followed by Erodium and Chenopodiun with 5 species each, and Astragalus, Centaurea, Rumex, Concolvulus, and Stipa each represented by 4 species. Life-form spectrum analysis indicated that Therophytes were the most predominant with 189 species, followed by Hemicryptophytes with 47 species, and geophytes with 40 species. Furthermore, chorotype spectrum analysis showed the dominance of Mediterranean species with 128 species, followed by Mediterranean/Iranian-Turanian with 66 species. These findings provide valuable insight into the plant diversity and distribution in the Al-Orban area of Gharyan district, Libya.

Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, Mohammed H. Mahklouf, (10-2023), ليبيا: Scientific Journal for the Faculty of Science-Sirte University, 2 (3), 29-43

The impact of storytelling and theatre in building a remarkable personality and moral values in children.
Conference paper


The research was conducted to discuss the impact of storytelling and theater in building a remarkable personality and moral values in children. Furthermore, it has been mentioned the importance of preschool period and educated family to help of building the child’s personality and cultivating moral values. In addition, this research has been mentioned that in Libya there is not separation between moral education, strong personality and religion, which has been gotten all his values from second language and it has been explained and clarified the character development.

Moreover, it has been discussed two main headlines, ‘the storytelling and the child’s early age’ and ‘the role of storytelling and theater to create a creative and strong personality.

 Besides, some tricks and plays techniques have been mentioned to enhance the creativity and remarkable personality among children, (pretend play / language play /musical play and play drawing and writing).

Finally, some advices and recommendations have been given to the parents and teachers in order to guide them to the appropriate ways to establish the child’s personality and moral values. 

Asma El Hashimi Ebrahim El Massry, (10-2023), غريان: جامعة غريان, 1-17

تحليل الأيام الممطرة وأثرها في توزيع المجموع التراكمي للأمطار في مددينة غريان 1984-2020
مقال في مجلة علمية

يعــــــالج هذا البحث موضوع تحليل الأيام الممطرة، من حيث توزيعها الشـــهري والفصلي والسنوي وأثـــر ذلك على توزيع المجموع التراكمي للأمطار لنفس التوزيع الزمني في مدينة غريان من خـــلال فحص البيانات اليومية عبر السلسلة الزمنية للفترة من 1984-2020م، ويهدف البحث إلى التعرف على التوزيع الزمني للأيام الممطرة وعلاقة هذا التوزيع بالمجموع التراكمي للأمطار ســــواء على المستوى الشهري أو الفصلي أو خلال الموسم الواحد في شكل فئات مطرية، لتحديد سلوك التساقط خلال فترة الدارسة. وتوصــــل البحث إلــــى مجموعة من النتائج لعل أهمها التغير والتذبذب الواضـــح في خصائص الأيام الممطرة خلال السلسلة الزمنية. وأن معظم الأيام الممطرة كانت ضمن الفئة الأقل من 5 ملم، بحيث تجاوزت نسبتها من المجموع الكلي 85% على المستوى الشهري والفصلي ونسبة 82% على المستوى السنوي. كما أثبتت الدراسة أن القيم العالية للمجموع التراكمي للأمطار كانت ضمن الأيام المتطرفة خلال الفئات الأكثر من 10 ملم، لارتباطها بالعواصف المطرية الغزيرة في أيام محدودة خــــلال موسم المطر.

الضاوي علي أحمد المنتصر، (07-2023)، الاندلس: مجلة الأصالة مجلة محكمة علمية، 7 (2)، 611-637

Improving the Quality of Engineering Education in Libya
Journal Article

Engineering education has a crucial role in the economic and social development of society; this paper aims to investigate the most significant factors that contributing in improving the quality of the engineering education. Furthermore, identify the factors affecting the students’ academic performance. The study was conducted by using statistical Design of Experiments (DOE) approach to investigate the main effects of lecture delivery, assessment, engagement, communication, and interaction with instructors. Minitab software is implemented to perform statistical analysis to identify the significance of each factor, and degree by which each factor influences the students’ academic achievement. Results showed that the students’ academic performance is affected by the availability of course materials, and communications with instructors.

Almehdi Mohamed Almehdi Ibrahem, (03-2023), مجلة الاكاديمية الليبية: الاكاديمية الليبية, 1 (1), 463-466

Solving a Bi-criteria Scheduling Problem of cellular Flowshop with Sequence Dependent Setup Times
Journal Article

This paper addresses a bi-criteria optimization problem to minimize total flow time and makespan simultaneously for a cellular flowshop with Sequence Dependent Setup Times (FMCSP with SDSTs); A multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) and a Multi-objective Simulated Annealing (MOSA) Algorithm are proposed to solve the proposed problem. furthermore, an improved algorithm (named as IMPSO-TA), where MPSO is combined with Threshold Acceptance (TA) algorithm to improve the convergence of the obtained Pareto Fronts. The proposed algorithms are evaluated using several Quality Indicators (QI) measures for multi-objective optimization problems. Results showed that proposed algorithms can generate approximated Pareto Fronts in a reasonable CPU time. Furthermore, quality of Pareto fronts generated by IMPSO-TA is better than Pareto fronts found by MPSO and MOSA based on the test problems that are used in this research at the cost of CPU time. Further, the proposed IMPSO-TA performs as best available algorithms in the literature for small and medium test problems with a very minor deviation for best results for large test problems.

Almehdi Mohamed Almehdi Ibrahem, (03-2023), Azzaytuna University Journal: جامعة الزيتونه, 145 (1), 375-608

Error Analysis Leads to Corrective Language Production
Journal Article

Hamed Awedat Massoud Alahrash, Ahmed Mohamed Abdallah Frewan, (03-2023), الجامعة اللبنانية: Academic Scientific Journal for Research and Studies, 4 (6), 47-55

A pragmatic approach to the rhetorical analysis and the metadiscourse markers of research article abstracts in the field of applied linguistics
Journal Article

Using Hyland’s (2000) model as a research tool and drawing on Hyland’s (2005a) model of metadiscourse, this article presents a pragmatic two-level rhetorical analysis of the constituent moves within research article abstracts. It specifically zeroes in on the identification and mapping of the most frequently used metadiscourse markers signifying these moves. The findings highlight that Libyan authors employ interactive markers more often than interactional ones. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis of metadiscourse indicate that transitions, endophoric markers, and frame markers emerge as the dominant interactive categories. In contrast, interactional metadiscourse is predominantly represented by attitude markers, hedges, and boosters. Based on the findings, Move 1 features the highest frequency of metadiscourse markers, followed by Move 2. Notably, transitions stand out as the most prevalent category across all moves. This study carries pedagogical implications for academic writing practices among Libyan academic writers and students alike. Moreover, it enhances the existing body of research on the genre of research articles.

Eatidal Khalefa Abdullah Hasan, (02-2023), Europe: Discourse and Interaction, 16 (2023), 51-74

تباين توزيع أقاليم المناخ الحيوي في إقليم الجبل الغربي
مقال في مجلة علمية

يعالج هذا البحث موضوع تباين توزيع أقاليم المناخ الحيوي في إقليم الجبل الغربي، ويهدف إلى التعرف على انسب الطرق والنماذج الإحصائية لقياس فاعلية الحرارة والرطوبة لتحديد أقاليم الراحة والانزعاج المناخي، لمعرفة مدى الإجهاد والإرهاق المناخي الذي يتعرض له سكان المنطقة خلال فصول السنة.

   واستنتج الباحث أن غريان تمثل المناخ الحيوي البارد الرطب الذي يمتد من شهر أكتوبر إلى شهر إبريل، ثم يتقلص المناخ البارد الرطب في يفرن التي تقع إلى الغرب، و يقتصر في نالوت على أشهر الشتاء فقط، بسبب تطرفها وبعدها عن المؤثرات البحرية، وبهذا تمثل قمة الفصل البارد فترة عدم الراحة والانزعاج المناخي البارد، خصوصاً في الأجزاء المرتفعة كما في غريان التي ينخفض فيها معامل الحرارة الفعالة إلى 50.5 ْ ف فقط .أما المناخ الحيوي الحار والرطب فيظهر في النصف الثاني من فصل الخريف ابتداء من ترهونة، مع ملاحظة أنه يضيق كلما اتجهنا غرباً، في حين لا تظهر خصائص المناخ البارد الجاف إلا في نالوت خلال شهري مارس وابريل, اما فترة عدم الراحة والانزعاج المناخي الحار، فتقتصر على قمة الفصل الدافئ أي من يونيو إلى أغسطس حيث تراوحت قيم معامل الحرارة الفعالة لدي بيلي بين 76.2 ْ ف في نالوت إلى 74.6 ف في غريان، وبالتالي تزداد كمية الكسب الحراري بواسطة الإشعاع الشمسي إلى أقصاها، مما يتسبب في الانزعاج والإرهاق المناخي الحار في معظم أجزاء الإقليم، خصوصاً في نالوت لبعدها عن المؤثرات البحرية. ولهذا فإن معظم سكان مناطق الجبل الغربي يعانون من قسوة الظروف المناخية الحارة، خصوصاً اثناء موجات الحرارة العالية التي تتجاوز فيها الحرارة 40 درجة مئوية ولعدة أيام متواصلة.

كما استنتج البحث أن شكل وامتداد سلسلة الجبل الغربي أسهم في تباين الظروف المناخية بين أجزاءه، وبالتالي أدى إلى تباين المناخ الحيوي ومؤشرات الشعور بالراحة والانزعاج المناخي خلال أشهر وفصول السنة.

الضاوي علي أحمد المنتصر، (01-2023)، الاندلس: مجلة القرطاس للعلوم الانسانية والتطبيقية، 21 (1)، 138-159

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