التطوير المهني لإداء أعضاء هيئة التدريس بجامعة الجبل الغربي بما يتلاءم مع معايير الجودة الشاملة المؤتمر العلمي الأول – بكلية التربية تيج – جامعة الجبل الغربي في الفترة 11-12 – مارس 2017
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

  المؤتمر العلمي الأول – بكلية التربية تيجي – جامعة الجبل الغربي في الفترة 11-12 – مارس 2017

عبدالعزيز زهمول الضاوي الضبع، (03-2017)، جامعة الجبل الغربي سابقاً: كلية التربية تيجي، 259-286

Alternate approach to the calculation of thermal response factors for vertical borehole ground heat exchanger arrays using an incomplete bessel function
Conference paper

This article presents yet another methodology for the calculation of dimensionless thermal response factors for vertical borehole ground heat exchanger (GHX) arrays, which is a concept introduced by Eskilson (1987). The presented method is based on a well-known solution to an analogous problem in the field of well hydraulics. This solution method, known mathematically as an incomplete Bessel function, and known in the field of well hydraulics as the 'leaky aquifer function', describes the hydraulic head distribution in an aquifer with predominantly radial flow to a well combined with vertical 'leakage' from geologic layers above and below the pumped aquifer. The solution is adapted to model heat transfer from an array of arbitrarily-placed vertical boreholes of finite depth. With proper expression of parameters in the incomplete Bessel function, we show that g-functions of previous researchers can be approximated. The proposed method has been implemented into Matlab and Excel/VBA for g-function generation and monthly GHX simulation.

Chiasson, Andrew D, Elhashmi, Rodwan, (03-2017), IGSHPA Technical/Research Conference and Expo: International Ground Source Heat Pump Association,

Detection of melanoma skin cancer in dermoscopy images
Conference paper

Malignant melanoma is the most hazardous type of human skin cancer and its incidence has been rapidly increasing. Early detection of malignant melanoma in dermoscopy images is very important and critical, since its detection in the early stage can be helpful to cure it. Computer Aided Diagnosis systems can be very helpful to facilitate the early detection of cancers for dermatologists. In this paper, we present a novel method for the detection of melanoma skin cancer. To detect the hair and several noises from images, pre-processing step is carried out by applying a bank of directional filters. And therefore, Image inpainting method is implemented to fill in the unknown regions. Fuzzy C-Means and Markov Random Field methods are used to delineate the border of the lesion area in the images. The method was evaluated on a dataset of 200 dermoscopic images, and superior results were produced.

Khalid Ahmad A Eltayef, (02-2017), Journal of physics: Journal of physics, 14-27

Detection of pigment networks in dermoscopy images
Conference paper

One of the most important structures in dermoscopy images is the pigment network, which is also one of the most challenging and fundamental task for dermatologists in early detection of melanoma. This paper presents an automatic system to detect pigment network from dermoscopy images. The design of the proposed algorithm consists of four stages. First, a pre-processing algorithm is carried out in order to remove the noise and improve the quality of the image. Second, a bank of directional filters and morphological connected component analysis are applied to detect the pigment networks. Third, features are extracted from the detected image, which can be used in the subsequent stage. Fourth, the classification process is performed by applying feed-forward neural network, in order to classify the region as either normal or abnormal skin. The method was tested on a dataset of 200 dermoscopy images

Khalid Ahmad A Eltayef, (02-2017), Journal of physics: Journal of physics, 30-45

تطوير أداء أعضاء هيئة التدريس في ضوء معايير الجودة الشاملة حالة الدراسة جامعة الجبل الغربي
مقال في مجلة علمية


عبدالعزيز زهمول الضاوي الضبع، (02-2017)، طرابلس: مجلة الرفاق للمعرفة، 3 (2019)، 53-77

Logistic Growth with a Slowly Varying Holling Type II Harvesting Term
Journal Article

The Holling type II harvesting term has the property that it is small for small population values, but grows monotonically with population growth, eventually saturating, at a constant value for very large populations. We consider here a population evolving according to a logistic rate, but harvested (predated) subject to a Holling type II harvesting term that varies slowly with time, possibly due to slow environmental variation. Application of a multitiming method gives us an approximation to the population at any time in two cases- survival to a slowly varying limit, and extinguishment to zero. The situation where there is a transition from survival to extinction is also analyzed, using a matched expansions approach. A uniformly valid approximate expression for the population, valid for all times is obtained. These results are shown to agree well with the results of numerical calculations.

Majda Ashor Mohammad Idlango, John .J. Shepherd, (02-2017), Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation: ELSEVIER, 49 (1), 1-7

The Impact of Water and Some Salt Solutions on Some Properties of Hydrophilic Acrylamide Copolymeric Hydrogels
Journal Article

Abstract-A series of polyelectrolyte hydrogels ranging from 92-98wt% were synthesized by copolymerization of acrylamide,

AAM with 2-acrylamido-2-methyl propane sulphonic acid, AMPS using 0.001g APS as initiator in the presence of 30wt% H2O

and 1.0wt% ethylene glycol dimethacrylate,EDMA as cross-linking agent. The final copolymers was obtained in the form of

glassy and transparent roads at room temperature, these roads were soaked in water for two days to remove unreacted

monomers. The swelling behavior of the hydrogels was studied in distilled water and salt solutions of 1.5 mol/l each of NaCl

and KCl. The Swelling in water shows decreasing values of q, LE, Ø1, EWC% and increasing polymer volume fraction, Ø2 by

increasing acrylamide, due to increasing hydrophobicity and decreasing the hydrophilicity. The swelling in salt solutions

shows a decreasing in the values of ESSNa%, WCNa%, SCNa%, ESSK%, WCK% and SCK% by increasing acrylamid

monomer in the feed due to increasing the hydrophobicity and decreasing the ionized ionic groups (SO3H). The increasing

values of ESSNa%, WCNa% and SCNa% compared with the values of ESSK%, WCK% and SCK% respectively, is due to

the higher charge density of sodium ion than that of potassium ion.

Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, Abdurhman A.Abuabdalla Khalifa1, (01-2017), ابريطانيا: MAYFEB Journal of Materials Science, 1 (1), 7-16

Small-seeded Hakea species tolerate cotyledon loss better than large-seeded congeners
Journal Article

Six Hakea species varying greatly in seed size were selected for cotyledon damage experiments. The

growth of seedlings with cotyledons partially or completely removed was monitored over 90 days. All

seedlings perished by the fifth week when both cotyledons were removed irrespective of seed size.

Partial removal of cotyledons caused a significant delay in the emergence of the first leaf, and reduction

in root and shoot growth of the large-seeded species. The growth of seedlings of small-seeded species

was less impacted by cotyledon damage. The rate of survival, root and shoot lengths and dry biomass

of the seedlings were determined after 90 days. When seedlings were treated with balanced nutrient

solutions following removal of the cotyledons, survival was 95–98%, but 0% when supplied with

nutrient solutions lacking N or P or with water only. The addition of a balanced nutrient solution failed

to restore complete growth of any species, but the rate of root elongation for the small-seeded species

was maintained. Cotyledons provide nutrients to support early growth of Hakea seedlings, but other

physiological roles for the cotyledons are also implicated. In conclusion, small-seeded Hakea species can

tolerate cotyledons loss better than large-seeded species.

Shhoob Mohamed imhmed Elahmir, Byron B. Lamont, Tianhua He, (01-2017), استراليا: Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 1-9

Pedestrian Gap Acceptance and Crossing Decision outside Crossing Facilities along Urban Streets in Malaysia: A Case Study of Rughaya Street, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
Journal Article


Walking considered as one of the safest modes of

travel available, sustainable to human society as well as

environmentally beneficial. In this context, the aim of this

research is to investigate pedestrians’ traffic gap acceptance

and crossing decision for Mid-block Street crossing in urban

areas in Malaysia. Pedestrian crossing behaviour at

Rughaya Street has been examined in terms of the decision

to cross or not the street and size of traffic gaps accepted by

pedestrian, as well as the related contributing factors. A

field study was conducted to collect the data of pedestrians’

decisions under real mix traffic Condition using video

camera on a typical unsignalized urban street section. JPEG

files were obtained from video recording by using Snapshot

Wizard software. The data extracted included traffic

characteristics such as traffic size, traffic speed, etc.

pedestrian individual characteristics such as gender, in

addition to individual behavior such as waiting, frequency

of attempt, etc.). Furthermore, The extracted data were

used to develop and examine a pedestrian gap acceptance

model based on A lognormal regression model and binary

logistic model by SPSS (22) in order to validate the impact

of various parameters on the size of traffic gaps accepted by

pedestrians as well as the effect on the decision of

pedestrians to cross the street or not. So that the effect of

the gap accepted available and of other factors on the

decision of pedestrians to cross the street or not is examined.

These results indicate that the data set for this particular

location has a majority of male pedestrians which were

insignificant variables in both models moreover a lognormal

regression results shows that accepted gaps size depend on

traffic size, crossing distance, speed of approaching vehicle

and time spent by pedestrian at the curb waiting for a

suitable gap size to start crossing. The BL model performs

well for the reason that it captures the pedestrian decision

making process with traffic taking the relevant attributes

into consideration. According to the coefficients of BL

regression analysis equation we noticed that the illegal

parking, traffic size, traffic waiting time and gap size are the

vital attributes for the Pedestrian gap acceptance model..

Index Terms: Pedestrian crossing, gap acceptance, crossing

decision, multiple linear regression, binary logistic


Issam Omran m.f alajnaf, Moftah Masoud Almadani, Khaled Mohammad A Emhamed, (12-2016), ماليزيا: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 1 (3), 18-22

A semantic-driven model for ranking digital learning objects based on diversity in the user comments
Conference paper

This paper presents a computational model for measuring diversity in terms of variety, balance and disparity. This model is informed by the Stirling’s framework for understanding diversity from social science and underpinned by semantic techniques from computer science. A case study in learning is used to illustrate the application of the model. It is driven by the desire to broaden learners’ perspectives in an increasingly diverse and inclusive society. For example, interpreting body language in a job interview may be influenced by the different background of observers. With the explosion of digital objects on social platforms, selecting the appropriate ones for learning can be challenging and time consuming. The case study uses over 2000 annotated comments from 51 YouTube videos on job interviews. Diversity indicators are produced based on the comments for each video, which in turn facilitate the ranking of the videos according to the degree of diversity in the comments for the selected domain.

Entisar Nassr Abdulati Abolkasim, (09-2016), Springer: Springer, 3-15

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