The Challenges which Face Students of English at Faculty of Arts Assabaa in Writing composition
Journal Article0
Burnia Hussain Almokhtar Ahmed, Hana Abduassalam Mohamed mosaa, (12-2021), جامعة غريان: مجلة القلم المبين, 11 (2), 1-12
Problems encounter Libyan University Students in Translating Libyan Proverbs into English Language
Journal ArticleAbstract
This study aims to discover the problems that face Libyan university
students when translating Libyan proverbs into English. It also focuses on
the techniques applied by the students in the translation process. To
achieve the goals, the researchers asked the study participants to
translate about ten Libyan proverbs into Arabic. The sample of this study
consisted of twelve second year students specialized in translation from
the English department in the Assabha Faculty of Arts. The results
showed that some students faced problems in transferring the meaning of
Libyan proverbs into the target language (English). This could be
attributed to the different culture between both languages (i.e. Arabic and
English) The results also revealed that the participants used literal
translation method as their primary strategy. Translation tutors and
curriculum designers need to focus on the effective strategies to achieve
the correct translation of Libyan proverbs into English
Waleed Aldhawi Kareem Almishraqi, Abdulmjeed Emhmmed Khalefi almogatef, (12-2021), المركز الثقافي بن خليفة: مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقة والانسانية, 8 (1), 23-36
Revisiting Virtual Execution Policies for Optimistic Concurrency Control: The Real-Time Benefits of Writing Before Validating.
Journal ArticleIn this paper we present an approach to optimistic concurrency control where the write phase occurs before the validation phase (RWV instead of RVW). Our work extends earlier research into real-time databases that utilized virtual execution to lower disk access overheads. Such work demonstrated that virtual execution allowed an increase in transactions completing before deadlines expired and improvements in overall throughput. However, we demonstrate that only with the reversal of the write and validation phases can virtual execution reach its full potential.
Naser Alfed, Kamal Solaiman, Khaled Farj, Abubkr Abdelsadiq, (12-2021), ليبيا: جامعة غريان, 22 (2),
Role of Karhunen–Loève transform in distincting followed ancient lava flow and exploring mineral composite in the Central of Libya
Journal ArticleAbstract: The igneous rock unit of Al-Haruj Al-Aswad were interpreted using satellite image. The satellite image of Land sat bands from one tosevenhas captured by the Thematic Mapper (TM7) scanner. These imageswere processed and interpreted with following standard technique. Karhunen– Loèvetransform were employed to produce principalcomponent images. Then, they were paintedby using RGB color system to produce false color images from principal component images and ratio images. The resulted images were interpreted in the matter of geology of the area.Theprincipalcomponent transformation is helpful in mapping different lava flow phases in the area. This transform have used the correlation between the corresponding pixels in images of different bands. Six lava flow phases was interpreted depends on their color and shade in the processed satellite images.
Mahmood Salem Elhadi Dhabaa, (12-2021), غريان: جامعة غريان, 22 346-355
Evaluation of Microstructure and Hardness of AISI D2 Steel by Time Quenching in Comparison with Water and Oil Quenching
Journal ArticleDue to an account of its excellent hardness and wear behavior, AISI D2 is used widely in producing of blanking and cold-forming dies, Punches, Shafts, Studs, and Bolts. Increasing toughness at a fixed high level of hardness is growing requirement for this kind of applications. Improving microstructure characteristics, especially carbides distribution by specific heat treatment, is an appropriate way to meet such requirement. The effect of quenching media on microstructure and hardness of pre-heated and austentized (at 980oC) AISI-D2 tool steel has been studied, and hardness and carbides morphology have been investigated. Three different medias, water, oil and water/oil (time quenching) have been used, then all samples were followed by the same tempering 350oC/1 hour. It has been found that the optimal carbides distribution and optimum hardness have been resulted from a time quenching method.
Hassan Ramadan Faraj Zaid, Hassan Ramadan Faraj Zaid, (12-2021), جامعة مصراته: IJEIT ON ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 8 (1), 25-28
AN IMPORTANT MODEL IN DESIGN OF TRANSFER TECHNOLOGY OFFICES أحد النماذج المهمة في تصميم مكاتب نقل التكنولوجيا
Conference paperSince the last century, universities in developed countries have begun to work on technology transfer. Thus, the process of marketing the technologies discovered by those universities became an engine of economic growth, as these universities played a significant role in bringing innovative ideas to the market. Since then, technology transfer activities that were previously practiced by elite universities have received attention due to increasing university revenues, creating research links between academia and industry.
In this paper, we review the aspects related to the process of technology transfer in terms of its importance, and its model of work in universities, starting with the phase of discovering and evaluating the invention, the phase of patenting, and ending with the phase of marketing. The working mechanism of Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and the infrastructure necessary to establish these offices and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation centers in universities to perform their role effectively is also highlighted. The research aims to design an optimal dynamic and flexible model of the TTO at the University of Gharyan rearranging some traditional components and establish additional innovation pathways and make it more effective.
Keywords:Technology Transfer Office (TTO); Technological Transfer models; economic development.
عبدالحكيم مصطفى المختار التريكي, (11-2021), غريان: المؤتمر الاول لريادة الاعمال, 1-6
دور الهندسة العكسية في تعزيز ونجاح المشاريع الريادية في ليبيا
مقال في مؤتمر علميتواجه الاعمال الرائدة على مستوى الشركات والافراد مشكلة إمتلاك الفكرة الاساسية لتصنيع منتًج مُعين او ما يسمى نموذج No How” " الذي يهدف أساسا الى تحديد مواصفات المنتًج النهائي بإستخدام أسلوب الهندسة العكسية.
إن من أهم التحديات التي تواجه رائد الاعمال هو كيفية تفادي المخاطرة وإدارة المشروع بشكل سليم بعيدا عن شبح الخسارة وعدم اللجوء الى شراء ال No How لذا سيكون من المهم جدا إيجاد مخرج بتتبع سيرة المنتج بداية من تركيبه الكيميائي وصولا الى طريقة عمله مرورا بكل العمليات التقنية والانتاجية التي تضمن تقديم منتجات ذات جودة عالية .
تستعرض هذا الورقة نموذج ال No How المبني أساسا على مفاهيم الهندسة العكسية والتي من شأنها أن تساعد رائد الاعمال لتقديم مشروع ريادي من خلال نقل التقنية وإجراء مجموعة من الاختبارات والتحاليل المعملية حتى يصل المُنتَج الى مراحله الاخيرة في الاختبارات الحقيقية التي تؤكد صلاحية المنتَج لاداء وظيفته بما يتماشى مع الموصفات العالمية.
وقد تم تطبيق النموذج المقترح لصناعة موس قطع قضبان حديد التسليح وفق مفاهيم وأُسس الهندسة العكسية كحالة دراسية قام بها طلبة قسم هندسة علوم المواد والمعادن بكلية الهندسة ، جامعة غريان تأكيدا لأهمية دور المؤسسات التعليمية في خدمة المجتمع وفتح المجال امام بعض المشاريع الريادية ودعم السوق الليبي بمنتجات تتوافق مع المواصفات العالمية.
حسن رمضان فرج زائد، (11-2021)، المؤتمر العلمي الاول لريادة الاعمال: جامعة غريان، 82-86
Using technical of remote sensing to discriminate the percentage of iron raw in the Wadi El-shati
Journal ArticleAbstract
The rock units of Wadi El-shati were classified to group of clusters to explain the concentration of iron ore by using enhanced satellite image. The several images of single band of Thematic Mapper (TM7) of Landsat were combined to produce multispectral image bands. It was processed by group of filters after the false color image has been made. The filtered image was classified with unsupervised classification after the image ratio has been done by dividing band 3 on band1. Finally, we reached the classified image has concentration of iron tone.
Mahmood Salem Elhadi Dhabaa, (10-2021), غريان: مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقة والانسانية, 8 48-58
Journal Article- Experimental and theoretical comparisons have been performed for natural convection heat transfer over rectangular fins array at different fin parameters. This investigation includes the effect of fin length, fin spacing, fin height, orientation angle, and temperature difference between the heat sink and the surrounding environment. To understand the general flow patterns dominating flows from the heat sink, the three dimensionless elliptic governing equations were solved using finite volume computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, and the experimental work was carried for the system at different orientations. A new empirical correlation (modified of McAdam's correlation) was derived to correlate the mean Nusselt number as a function of the Rayleigh number. The average heat transfer coefficient has a maximum value at an orientation angle equal to zero degrees, and it decreases with an increasing orientation angle. The heat transfer rate per unit base area increases as fin spacing increase until it reaches a maximum value (6.5 mm), then it decreases with a further increase of fin spacing. The results of these investigations between the experimental and theoretical study were showing good agreements with similar international works.
Hmza Ashur Milad Mohamed, (09-2021), USA: IJSRED, 4 (5), 937-953
Journal ArticleThis paper presents a new high-capacity algorithm for audio watermarking for the purpose of embedding a watermark audio signal into an original audio signal. This algorithm uses DCT (discrete cosine transform) in combination with SVD (singular value decomposition), DWT (discrete wavelet transform), and CZT (chirp ztransform). For the purpose of ensuring high levels of imperceptibility and robustness, a low-frequency sub band of 1-level DWT is selected to embed the watermark, followed by DCT, CZT, and SVD. As a result, the proposed algorithm achieves a high capacity of 352800 bits per second while a good quality audio signal is maintained (having an objective difference grade of more than-0.04). It also provides high imperceptibility (a signal to noise ratio of more than 58 dB) and it is extremely resistant to common audio attacks, including requantizing, resampling, additive white Gaussian noise or AWGN, MP3 compression, and low-pass filtering. The proposed algorithm presents much better compared to the audio watermarking algorithms already existent.
Omar Moftah Ibrahim Abodena, Ali Alashtir, (08-2021), International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education: IJARIIE, 7 (4), 677-684